
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

WW: I don't want to forget.

Happy Wednesday folks!

Have you ever wanted to freeze a moment and file it to memory so you never forget it? Lately, I feel like I am always telling myself, Lauren, don't you forget this!

"Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose."  -The Wonder Years

[caption id="attachment_1618" align="alignleft" width="150"]This wasn't THE moment, but you get the point. This wasn't THE moment, but you get the point.[/caption]

Today at Target, we were finishing up our shopping adventure (and yes, with an active toddler it is a hectic, hilarious, busy adventure!) and I was holding Coop as we were heading to check out. All of the sudden, he just started hugging me, like squeezing my neck, head on my shoulder hug. I kept waiting for him to pull away, but he just hugged tighter and tighter. I had my own little euphoric moment right then and there in the card aisle. I thought to myself: 'Did anyone see this? Is anyone watching this sweet, stubborn boy give his mama a hug that lasted longer than .001 seconds?' I never want to forget that moment. It's these moments I LIVE for as a mama. Sweet and fleeting.

"We do not remember days, we remember moments."

In other news, and to make sure we are clear on the full picture of Cooper, these started happening:

[caption id="attachment_1620" align="aligncenter" width="239"]This precedes falling to the floor and rolling. This precedes falling to the floor and rolling.[/caption]

photo (20)

Yes my friends, that you see right there is beginning of a full blown tantrum. He shakes his head, rolls on the ground, and cries. I would TOTALLY just ignore him, however most of the time it's on wood and/or concrete which I imagine is quite dangerous.

Back to living through my rose-colored glasses...other things I never want to forget about Coop these days:

His wispy hair that curls up over his ears just like I hear his dad's used to.

How he runs with his arms behind him.


His hugs.

How he likes to play in my make-up bag and with my blush-brush and with lipstick tubes.

How independent he is at the park.

photo (22)

His big brown eyes looking at me right before nap and bed time.

How he loves to read and brings me books every morning.

The sound of his voice when he says "UH-OH."

How he loves to drink water out of mommy's cups and bottles.

The way he flirts with ladies in public places. 

...just to name a few. Now here's to hoping all the memories I don't write down are filed away for years to come.





Friday, June 14, 2013

Five on Friday


How cute is this idea? Several of my weekly reads...Hello!Happiness, Earning Our Stripes, Pomp and Circumstance and The Good Life (clearly there's a bloggy-niche here)...have been "linking up" the past few Friday's and sharing five things on their mind that week. It's been so much fun to read, so I decided to join this week.  Also, it's a perfect place for all the random thoughts of the week to be featured- although I am SURE you'd love to ready a full post on the latest music I'm listening to, right? I didn't think so. You're welcome.

1. Country Music.

Maybe I'm inspired by my favorite show on TV right now, The Voice, but country's coming back, y'all. My radio is now permanently on country music stations, and my new favorite song, well it's redneck y'all, and 100% awesome. Check it out if you're not easily offended :).

2. Athleta

[caption id="attachment_1605" align="aligncenter" width="520"]One of my newest purchases. One of my newest purchases.[/caption]

I would not call myself an enthusiastic "worker-outer"  but since the short guy came around and changed my body FOREVER, I've been going to a local gym, Hot Mamas, which whips. my. butt. I quickly grew fond of Lululemon, HOWEVER, my loyalty has shifted. I love Athleta's products - their workout gear is stretchy, the material lightweight and perfect for the summer, they have great sports bras, and it just fits my body so much better. And, oh  yeah, it's not as pricey as Lulu, and as far as I know, provides a lot more, coverage, if ya know what I mean.

3. This Recipe.

[caption id="attachment_1595" align="aligncenter" width="450"]Scrumptious. Scrumptious.[/caption]

YOU. GUYS. If I could I would make Mexican three times a week and it would NEVER get old. Never ever. We have a new rotation these days and they are delicious, OK for you, and vegetarian. And my husband loves them. Win win. Love her blog too, check it out:

4. These two.

photo (17) See these two? My brother and sister-in-law just moved from my homestate, Texas, to Colorado, 20 miles down the road.  I have tried really hard not to get too excited until they were here, but, guess what? They are here, they just closed on their NEW HOUSE today, AND it's their 5 year anniversary. Is there anything more important than family? Nope- and mine just got a few hundred miles closer.

5. MUST READ: Left to Tell

I'm a huge reader, and a couple months ago finished this book about the Rwandan genocide. Last weekend we watched Hotel Rwanda for the first time and it once again hit my heart hard. As a Believer this book is a MUST read, it truly is a story about God showing up in the darkest moments. And if you're not familiar with this tragic time in history, I encourage you to get familiar.

Cheers to the weekend, y'all and to all the special daddy's out there!


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

WW: Laughter.

We're having a discipline problem over here y'all.

Lately, when I'm changing the little guy's diaper, he pulls an attitude and I have to tell him "no" calmly yet authoritatively. He then breaks into a huge grin, imitates me and laughs hysterically. Well CLEARLY I find this is funny and so I laugh, and he's laughing and I forget...why are we laughing? This has been happening more and more often and always while I'm trying really hard to be serious. He cracks me, y'all.

"If we couldn't laugh, we would all go insane." -Jimmy Buffet

Jimmy may be right. It kinda reminds me of those times when I get mad at the hubs and I am really working hard to prove my case, and then we look at each other and both bust out laughing. It immediately changes the tone and softens the mood; it gives us time to get a little perspective.

"Laughter gives us distance. It allows us to step back from an event, deal with it and then move on." -Bob Newhart

 There is so much FUNNY that surrounds us each day, and as I get older I either see it more clearly or am just paying better attention. Either way, today I sure am thankful for it.

(I'm not sure who the woman is in this video, however the baby is so cute I just had to share):

I will keep you updated on my excellent discipline tactics and results.

Laugh it up :),


Monday, June 10, 2013

Weekend in-review.

This weekend was busy for the Kauffman's, but not in the scheduled type of way - which is always the most fun kinda-busy. The weather was gorgeous and we took full advantage!

We went to the zoo Saturday morning:

[caption id="attachment_1554" align="aligncenter" width="490"]Daddy and his mini. Daddy and his mini.[/caption]

Tigers getting after it!

[caption id="attachment_1556" align="aligncenter" width="490"]Cutie-pa-tootie. Cutie-pa-tootie.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1557" align="aligncenter" width="490"]Looks fake, but it's not folks. That right there is an elephant's behind. Coop was unsure. Looks fake, but it's not folks. That right there is an elephant's behind. Coop was unsure.[/caption]

Then this happened:

[caption id="attachment_1559" align="aligncenter" width="490"]This is Denver meets Dallas. Me and my bike, my trailer and my kid. Along with my necklace and Tory Burch sandals. #cantakethegirloutofthesouthbut... This my friends, is Denver meets Dallas. Me and my bike, my trailer and my kid. Along with my necklace and Tory Burch sandals. #cantakethegirloutofthesouthbut...[/caption]

We biked up to South Pearl Street for a Brews and Blues festival - a huge festival with blue grass band, beer tents, and surpsingly, lots of families and young kiddos were there (probably because we were part of the early to arrive, early to leave crew, which SIDENOTE, actually works excellent when going out to eat because you never have to wait for a table).

photo (12)

[caption id="attachment_1569" align="aligncenter" width="480"]Mohawkin it. Putting sunscreen on hair doesn't go over well. Mohawkin it.[/caption]

In other news, my most-favorite rose bush that blooms only once a year, is in bloom! I love looking out the window and seeing these beautiful flowers.

[caption id="attachment_1560" align="aligncenter" width="490"]In bloom. Pretty soon will be completely covered.[/caption]


Sunday we had a lovely dinner on the patio after golf cute are these two?

[caption id="attachment_1573" align="aligncenter" width="490"]Twinsies. Twinsies.[/caption]

And, most excitingly, my baby brother and his wife are moving to Colorado this week! You heard me right, one more Texan is calling Colorado home! We are SO excited to have them close and for their new journey.

Hope you had a relaxing weekend!
