
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

It's the Little Things: Potty-time!

Hey, hey y'all!

Linking up with It's the Little Things Link Up again today, hosted by the ladies behind Sadie Sky Boutique and Word of Waverly.

Where did this weekend/week go?
Oh...I know. Home with the Seahawks, along with the pride of the city.

You know who's proud at our house though?
This guy.
Who likes this "censor?" Haha.
Who, swear to all that is good, pees in the potty now EVERY day after his bath.
And then does this happy dance around the kitchen.

We do naked-time after his bath, because, well he loves it.
It's kind-of his special time with daddy. I know, I don't get it either.

Anyways, he has had a couple "pee-cidents" during this special time and has learned that peeing on the carpet is BAD! I always tell him, "when you need to go pee, you tell mommy and we'll go to the potty."

And, then y'all, one day he just did.

And, thus, our new ritual!
Bath, naked-time, pee in the potty.

I captured this picture the first time IT happened.
I even took video of me, er, getting rid of the evidence, because dad was at the Super Bowl and I didn't think he'd believe me. You are welcome for not sharing that.
So, we were thrilled about the potty, OBVIOUSLY.
But this picture captures just how proud he is of himself! 
It's one of the first time I've seen him understand getting recognized for good behavior. So sweet. So fun, and I love that I captured it.

Wisdom Wednesday post to follow!

Have an excellent morning!


  1. OMG, this is TOO adorable!!!! His little face is so proud & happy, I can't think of a better "little thing"! Thanks for being a part of this!!!!! XO

    1. Thanks Ashley! I mean, I think he's pretty darn cute myself. I love linking up:).

  2. DYING!!! Love that Coop and that face is priceless!!!

    1. Seriously Rachel, I think he pees in the potty JUST for the celebration dance. Last night he peed, came and ate some pasta, peed again, pasta, repeat. Dancing the whole way lol. Kids are AWESOME. xo

  3. Visiting from the link up. Nice post! My daughter is 20 months and I know potty training is coming.....

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  5. Can you please bring your son please so I can take him into the bathroom with me and I get him all naked and ready for the shower with me and then I’ll will take all of my clothes off and underwear off and then I’ll will pick him up and get his penis closer to my penis and then I will put my penis on his butt and let my cum squirt’ on his butt

  6. Can you please bring your son to my apartment please so I can take him into the bathroom with me and then I’ll will get him all naked and then I’ll will put him on the toilet and then I’ll will tell him that I need him to try to go potty and then I’ll will say that I need you to go poop or pee and then when he is done with using the toilet and then I’ll will sit down on the toilet seat and then I’ll will pick him up and then put him on my naked lap and then I’ll will give him my phone to play a game on it

  7. Ur not suppose to censor his penis :( ur suppose to show it


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