
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

WW: Seeing the good.

This year I've been working really hard to live by this motto:
I have to laugh out loud a bit, because this is totally, totally not how I naturally operate.

I am the eternal realist to the point of pessimism. I'm not sure if it started as a defense mechanism, but I tend to always break things down to worse-case-scenario. It's awesome.
Luckily I married a person who is the opposite of me. 

My husband is the eternal optimist, doesn't worry about what he can't control, and trusts that things will work out and (for the most part) that people mean the best. Oh and also, he doesn't over-think things.

Pretty incredible, right?

I am positive this year God has been intent on teaching me dependence and (gulp) to relinquish control. On Him. To Him.

2013 has taught me to be intentional about how I think.  To choose to find the best in a situation and to not worry about things that have not happened yet.  To not expect the worst!! Sounds easy, but it's been a challenge and God has definitely shaped my trust and dependency on Him this year. Ever have those moments?

And for that I can at long last say...I'm thankful.

Cheers y'all,

Monday, October 28, 2013

Weekend in pictures.

Good Monday to you friends!

We're wrapping up October this week, y'all. I enjoyed every day of it; the many pumpkin flavored food and drink opportunities, abnormally warm days and the beautiful fall colors.

I took this picture on the way home from our walk from the Farmers Market on Sunday. Just breathtaking.
We took full advantage this weekend with a trip to the Children's Museum, Fall Festival, last Farmers Market, leaf piles...and I even got to squeeze in a Broncos game with the hubs.
[caption id="attachment_2088" align="aligncenter" width="490"]That's Elmo, ladies and gentleman. 
That's Elmo, ladies and gentleman.
Elmo and his friends, Garfield and a soccer player. 
Elmo and his friends, Garfield and a soccer player.
Liz and the Soccer Player.

Molly and Garfield.
Fall Festival with Daddy. 
Fall Festival with Daddy.
He loved the petting zoo! 
He loved the petting zoo!
This face, I die. 
This face, I die.
Playing in leaves! 
Playing in leaves!
With mommy! 
With mommy!
Cheering on the Broncos. 
Cheering on the Broncos.

Though I'm sad to see October go, I am excited to welcome November and Thanksgiving, my MOST favorite holiday of the year. I'll be getting my new decor organized soon! Can't wait to share.

Hope everyone has a great week!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Five on Friday

Greetings, Friday!

I wish I was a wee bit more excited about the weekend. But I'm still one arms length up the kleenex box, the mini woke up at 5:15 this morning, and I've totes overbooked our weekend. What's on your weekend agenda?

I am once again linking up with the lovely Darci and friends for Five on Friday. Here are some things that have been my mind this week
gerber daisies.

I snagged these gorgeous gerber daisy flowers at Whole Foods this week. They are gorgeous and total eye candy.
the world.

Broad and deep, right? But I'm concerned. I'm actually extremely concerned. I've been praying every night for our leaders, for policies that benefit our country, for common sense. If you're not educated on some domestic issues, you should do some light (hah!) reading.

thanking our teachers.

I seriously adore Cooper's Parents-Day-Out teachers.

I wanted to give them a little token of our appreciation for Halloween but not go overboard (because what would I do at Christmas?). I'm going to recreate this from Tammy Mitchell designs, and throw in a little Starbucks gift certificate.bugs and kisses bugs and kisses
2014 planner!

I finally decided on a planner!

Like most, I have a strong love for my calendar. I prefer it SO much more than google calendar or any other electric form of organization. If you've emailed me you know, I can't keep things organized electronically!

I ordered this design from Plum Paper Designs. You can personalize what you want included in the planner and there are so many cute design options. I chose a simple design, and just the months view, with a notes page in between the months. I can't wait to get it!planner
LMAO. Enjoy!! Ellen's the greatest.
Have a great last weekend of October, friends!


Monday, October 21, 2013

Halloween celebrations and kid-friendly plans.

I hope you had good weekend, friends!

I myself sat on the couch with a head cold and a box of kleenex all weekend. I even had to miss a Halloween pumpkin carving party with friends. I did snap this pic of Coop on his way out It's some serious cuteness.
Time on the couch did however, give me an opportunity to make our Halloween plans for the mini.
Update. For Halloween he's going to be...

I know what you're thinking. Creative, right?

Well he loves "Melmo" and it was $10 at Target. Perfect combination! While the $50 shark costume I bought him last year from Pottery Barn (which he wore for 15 minutes) was well worth the money...
...this year I decided to go the inexpensive route.

My other idea (thanks to a family member) was to dress him like a little old man- with a walker and all, but that took way too much time and energy. There are so many cute ideas out there on how to make this costume hysterical. I mean, how can you resist a baby AND an old man? YOU CAN'T.
toddler old manlittle_old_man
I thought about trick-or-treating, however giving a toddler ice cream is risky enough. But candy? No bueno. My son runs, he does NOT walk. I can picture a short red Elmo running into the middle of the street in all his sugar-filled-hysteria. Again, no thanks.

So, here's our safer but just as equally fun plans for next weekend:

Boo at the Zoo (Denver Zoo) - Saturday and Sunday, October 26-27
They will have trick-or-treat stations, creepy crawly animal demonstrations and other family-friendly entertainment.

Right up our alley. And we can go first thing in the morning or after nap time. The mini is much, much happier during those two times.

Trick or Treat Street (Denver Childrens Museum) - October 25-27, 9am-7:30pm
This will also be fun - they will have a Treat House for collecting goodies, Halloween crafts, a Monster Carnival and stroll through "Pumpkin" Hill. I love it!

And pics from their website look like there will be some great photo opps. If there is one thing I love, it is trying at least 100 times to catch THE perfect photo. Lately, to no avail.

 If you're like me and have a baby and toddler around but still want to enjoy Halloween, here are some other ideas I found.

I love the idea of doing a Halloween keepsake and am on the prowl for
something that Cooper would have fun with and that, let's be honest, we would keep.

I am so looking forward to spending quality time with my boys this weekend! 
Happy week y'all!


Friday, October 18, 2013

Hair cut horrors {PICS}.

Someone asked me if Cooper was a girl again. 
Yep, his mullet grew back; so quickly I almost missed it happening.

Anyways, we got his second haircut yesterday. Remember how well the first one went? Hah!
photo 1 (1)
Is it bad that I was the mom who stopped consoling my hysterical son to grab the phone and take some pictures?
photo 2 (1)
 Priorities, right? Capture the moment?

I let her have free reign this time with the only instruction being that he look like a boy. And he does! A cute one I might add. 
The after pic this morning. Real life, people. The after pic this morning. Real life, people.

Happy weekend friends!


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

WW: Our kids and bullying.

I am fired up.

Like most Americans who have been following the news, this story about bullying has pissed me off. If your not familiar, you can catch up here and here.
Several thoughts entered my mind after initial anger. First of all, these are babies, just 12 and 14 year old kids.

However, that age is right around middle school, which I personally feel is the most difficult stage for a young girl. It's that transition time where you are growing up; getting ready for high school, finding your set of friends and trying to fit in. And let's be honest, it can get a little awkward around that time too.
Girls can be mean and not even intend to be. While groups of friends are forming people naturally get left out, which can crush a teenage girl just trying to fit in. Someone intentionally bullying or being mean to someone? I can't imagine the sadness that causes. And forget about electronics and social media, you can't even go home to escape it. Enough. We are the new generation of parents.

We've got to take a hard look at ourselves. Who are we raising? 70% of a toddler's vocabulary is the word no, because that is what they are hearing from their parents all day long! We discipline and have limits to keep them safe and teach them correct behavior. Teaching and discipling does not stop at two years old. What's dangerous at 2 and 12 are different but important nonetheless.

Our generation's kids will have the same insecurities that we had, but they will grow up in a cyber-connected world. They can do way more damage. New lines must be drawn, new precedent's set. We have to have limits with electronics, computers, social media. And for the love of God we must work with our schools and teachers so that those same rules and precedents are also in our schools.
And because I'm still so darn riled up, here's a picture I took of my little nugget this week. Snotty nose and all.
Phew. That makes me feel better.

Cooper, I pray that you always treat people with kindness and respect. That you never believe cutting someone down builds you up or that someone different is below you. I pray that your dad and I can be tuned into your life and behavior so that we can guide, discipline and teach you.  I pray that you know God, son. Because knowing God ushers love for others through your heart and allows no room for hate.

"Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear." -Ephesians 4:29


To those who follow along...

Thank you! You're the best. 

Technology is to me as Cooper is to carrots, DO NOT MIX! Don't do it! Won't work!

Alas, I lost all the information of all South Pearl Living's subscribers. Tragic, I tell you, TRAGIC. If you'd like to still follow along via email please re-enter your address over there to the right under Follow by Email.

Mea culpa! xo Lauren

Monday, October 14, 2013

Monday's musings.

It's Monday y'all. The mini is ornery as ever.
photo (2)
We had such a fun, relaxing weekend.

We stayed at home and cooked dinner. Cleaned house. Celebrated birthdays.

Went to the pumpkin patch:

Here's Coop at the patch one year ago; one of my FAVORITE pictures of him. It's at that fun age when everything makes them smile, they sit still and are the perfect picture opps. I mean, that face.
A little different experience this year.
Considering he throws a tantrum any time we try to redirect him to do anything (IE smile for pictures)...It was interesting.
He found this gourd and wouldn't let it go.
My favorite picture of the day- Daddy and his boy. Excuse the mullet (the mini not the hubs), it's time for another haircut! That thing just gets nasty back there...
Sunday my husband also gave me a little girls day the Broncos game!  I know I couldn't believe it either.
photo 2
I'll admit it, I am now a fan of the Broncos. Can I be a fan of two teams at once?

Anyways, me and my fave Meghan had a blast and it was such a treat for us. Baby free for 5 hours? Yes please!
photo 1
I wrapped up the weekend catching up on my shows, Homeland and Revenge. Was pretty much the perfect weekend!

Happy week, y'all!


Friday, October 4, 2013

Five on Friday: Fall Fashion

Happy Friday folks!

Linking up again this week with Darci, April, Christina and Natasha for another fun edition of Five-on-Friday.
This week the mini was back at pre-school (hip hip hooray!) after a wee bout with croup...Croupy-Coopy. Funny, right? I mean it was one of those laugh so you don't cry things, but that's a whole other story.

Alas, I had time to myself again this week. It was lovely. Gave me plenty of time to think about fun fall fashion grabs I hope to make sometime soon.
5 on 5

H&M Padded Waistcoat

I originally was having J. Crew vest envy, but I stumbled across the H&M vest this week and I am so glad I did. Its price tag was $100 less.

This was a winner. I snagged in hunter green but they also have in khaki and navy.


I want this watch and I want to stack it with cute gold bangles.
Who's with me?

Chanel Mascara

I have never used Chanel mascara and recently got this and a few other items as a giveaway.
I fell in love instantly. It's seriously the best.

I really, really want to get on the bootie train. Why did I laugh out loud when I typed that?

A Facebook friend who I haven't spoken to in YEARS had these on in one of her pictures she posted last week. Can you believe I creepily emailed her to ask what kind they were?

Believe it.

This will have to stay in the envy category due to the price tag. But divine, no?!

Fear not though, I found a similar but different bootie, bootie, bootie (okay I'm done) here. Mossimo at Target also has some cute ones.

Lorde -Royals.

Friends told me about this song a couple weeks ago and now I can't get it out of my head. It makes me kinda do this snake looking thing with my head and makes me really happy.
If there's anything else I need to add to my closet this fall be sure to let me know.

Happy weekend, friends!


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Fall into Fall: Centerpiece and Chili Recipe

There is no time of year better than the fall in Colorado.

The leaves actually change, the air gets crisp, people hold hands and skip down the lane, okay, maybe not that last part but you get my gist. It's heavenly this time of year in Colorado.

Last week I decorated for fall and am so happy. I mean, who isn't happy in the fall?

My newest purchase that I absolutely adore is from one of my favorite Etsy shops, Four Bugs in a Rug. Check out all their table runners, I love them all. They were also so easy to work with which in our house is a big deal.

Here's a close up pic from their site:
And a couple pics from our table:
The pumpkin is a decorating pumpkin, and I plan to paint something spooky on it soon. I found super-cute templates for doing this on Country Living, which you can check out here. Did I mention I'm not crafty? TOTES not-crafty.

The next  thing on my short craft list this year, throwing together this wreath:
This picture from Star City Wreaths is my inspiration.Will I fail and order from their Etsy shop? Time will tell.

Another sign of fall's arrival?
I made my first batch of chili, Vegetarian Chili. I live off of it during the fall, winter and spring. So really, I just take a break in the summer. It's simply divine, packed with fiber, filling and it keeps great which is critical for my lunches.

I have used this old Crockpot Recipe for years, and just kind-of tweaked it with spices and ingredients I like over time.

{Vegetarian Chili -Ingredients}
1 large carrot chopped.
1 stalk celery chopped.
1 zucchini chopped.
2 cups corn kernels.
3 cloves garlic chopped.
2 tbsp olive oil.
1 28-ounce can diced tomato can, with liquid.
3 cups red kidney beans drained.
1.5 cup black beans, cooked.
1 tbsp chili powder.
1.5 tsp salt.
1 tbsp cumin.
1 tbsp garlic powder.

Combine in crockpot. Turn on low and cook overnight.
I like to top with cheddar cheese and avocado (and if no one's watching some Frito's).
Happy fall, y'all!