
Friday, October 26, 2012

Guilty pleasure.

Hello crazy ladies!!

[caption id="attachment_645" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Insert CRAZY here![/caption]

Before I go any further, let me tell you, I adore my husband. He's like, really cool.

[caption id="attachment_596" align="aligncenter" width="2816"] Love you Jeff![/caption]

But you know what else I love? When he's gone for a night or two. These are the times that I crave. It's my guilty pleasure time y'all. Now that I'm home with Cooper, which I LOVE, my day/night/life is all about him. All the time. It's so nice to be alone sometimes! After Coop's asleep, and ONLY if my husband is gone, my favorite thing to do is pour a glass a wine, get in my comfys, and watch trashy TV. I'm talking the Housewives series, Keeping up with the Kardashians, really anything on E or Bravo. Okay really ANY reality TV. It's like my ESPN. I'm hooked. It reminds me of the times I used to travel for work; I'd be alone in the hotel room, go to a dinner on the town (table for one!), have a glass of wine and watch TV. Something about those times are...therapeutic.

So the other day, after a long day at home with my nugget and after bathtime...

...down he went and there I sat- home alone for just a couple hours- with a glass of wine (and a bag piece of chocolate) watching the latest on TiVo. Why is this sometimes EXACTLY what I need? It's my alone time, my "brain-can-just-coast" time, and my battery recharge time. And yep, its watching TV by. myself. Go ahead, judge. What do you do for "me" time?

A little funny for your weekend:

Happy weekend y'all!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Month Eight (8)

Four days ago CPK turned 34 weeks and/or 8 months old. Hello month 8!

[caption id="attachment_617" align="aligncenter" width="1573"] Swings are the best, mom.[/caption]

I kind of feel like things are about to...change. Cooper has been a lot more snuggly these days- he reaches for you to pick him up, he loves touching your face (and/or pulling hair), and he lets me rock him now. Like, in a chair. He hasn't figured out crawling yet and once he does there's that change thing I mentioned earlier. It's COMING and once this whole "mobility" thing takes off he is going to be GONE. So, I've decided to slow down time as much as I can. To rock him just a little bit longer, snuggle him a little tighter and be as present as I can.

Last week I was at MOPs at our church (mommy group) and the speaker talked about how every baby is a gift from God and we are just stewards of this gift. What an interesting way to look at it. I thank God every day for His gift and allowing me to be Cooper's steward, and pray every night for his health and his life. It's amazing how much I had no idea about true fear until I had Coop, how his life and well-being takes priority over anything else.

“It is very easy to take for granted the phenomenon that we are each alive, but we must try not to.”
-Alex Grey

[caption id="attachment_618" align="aligncenter" width="2448"] How much longer are you going to put me in this silly onesie every month? And now you take it with an iPhone?
8 month photo, 4 days late :)[/caption]

So, happy 8 months Snoop! You are determined, stubborn (where DOES he get this from??), you have this weird deep scream now when you get frustrated, you like to chew on electronics, you can roll from one side of the room to the other in under 10 seconds, and you really like when mommy does shark noises (like from Jaws) and puts her hand on her forehead like a fin and acts like she is going to get you. It's like, you're favorite thing.

[caption id="attachment_616" align="aligncenter" width="1810"] Mom, why do you always put me in pumpkin patches?
October 21st, one day after his real 8 month birthday[/caption]

Halloween is next week y'all. I've never been the biggest fan of this holiday, it's a lot of pressure and I am SO not that creative to come up with a cool costume. But for kids? Totally different story, and this year this decision was easy. Snoop will be...a SHARK. (Disclaimer: for about an hour, and only for pictures).

Happy day y'all.


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

WW: Do good anyway.

Happy Wednesday y'all!

[caption id="attachment_591" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Okay this isn't us, but it looks like what we do, so here ya go.[/caption]

This week I was at my stroller class at the park (yes, it's a workout, with your child, in the stroller, at the park, and it's friggin hard). As we were going along this lady who was walking her dog in the opposite direction walked up to our instructor and started yelling at her for the strollers taking up too much room on the trail. Now, mind you, there was an empty trail to the side, but that didn't seem to matter. Our instructor was very gracious and apologetic. This woman kept yelling at her, not letting it go...and I was mad! I was very close to telling this woman to relax and move on down the road. I told my instructor how impressed I was with how she handled herself and she said very positively "you don't know what kind of life she has lead or what kind of day she is having."

Boy, is she right. And, wow, what a total gut check on my part. How often do you encounter a grumpy stranger? On the road, in the grocery store or airport, it happens all the time and it is so easy to give it right back to them or make a smart remark. But, hello!? What does that accomplish? And as a Christian, is that how I want to treat people? Well of course it's not.

“People are often unreasonable and self-centered.
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives.
Be kind anyway.
If you are honest, people may cheat you.
Be honest anyway.
If you find happiness, people may be jealous.
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough.
Give your best anyway.
For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.”

― Mother Teresa

No matter how people treat me, strangers or not, I can't control their behavior. What I can control is how I choose to react, in kindness or anger. Because, truth be told, I don't know their story or what life is like or has been like for them, so ultimately...why make it worse?

"Know this, my brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger..." -James 1:19

So this week, I'm reminded me to "do good anyway." To give people the benefit of the doubt, and choose kindness over anything else.

[caption id="attachment_592" align="aligncenter" width="4272"] And a pic of Cooper in his Broncos uniform (win a game Romo, and he'll be back in blue), because...well why not really?[/caption]

Happy day y'all!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

WW: Being a good neighbor

Happy Wednesday y'all!

"The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these." -Mark 12:31

So, question: do you know your neighbors? Like, REALLY know your neighbors? When Jeff and I lived in Las Vegas we didn't know one neighbor. Not one. In fact, the only time I think we met A neighbor, was when one of our pipes busted and we flooded their backyard.

Last night we had our next-door neighbors over for dinner as a thank you for helping with our dogs. They are both from the northeast, two young boys, and great people. Two bottles of wine and several hours later we wrapped up the night. Great conversation and fabulous night.

“Pull up a chair. Take a taste. Come join us. Life is so endlessly delicious.” ― Ruth Reichl

Jeff and I are lucky to have a couple of good friends here in Denver who are just all-around great people. They make a concerted effort to be a good neighbor, truly care about those in their community, and make it a priority to treat them kindly. In fact they go out of their way to do so. Incredible right? Can you imagine if we all had this attitude? What a difference it would make if we went out of our way to be nice to those who live around us, no matter what we have in common.

“What should young people do with their lives today? Many things, obviously. But the most daring thing is to create stable communities in which the terrible disease of loneliness can be cured.” ― Kurt Vonnegut

I think back to Lake Highlands, my Dallas neighborhood where I grew up, and there is such a sense of community there. If one person goes through a tough time or a family tragedy, the entire community rallies behind them. I hope to find a similar community here in Denver one day where we can raise our kids. But today, I am reminded that a good community starts with us. WE create it. Individuals being kind to one another naturally builds community...and better people.

“Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man.” - Ben Franklin

I want to commit to being a better neighbor and out-of-my-way caring towards each person I run into. I have a feeling my days will be better for it.

Happy Wednesday neighbor!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Week in review: babies and pumpkins. And margaritas.

Today is one of those fall days in Denver that you just can't help but be happy. 65 degrees, bright blue skies, colorful trees, it's the best y'all. Even if Cooper was having the biggest meltdown of ALL TIME, I'd still be happy. In theory.

Here are some pictures of this BEAUTIFUL day!

After this weekend, Cooper will have been on 3 round trip flights in one month. Yikes. Not so much for him, but for his mom. He moves now y'all - like all the time, he is not as easy to keep entertained, and also, he is an early riser when we travel. Even earlier than normal. Which is early. I'm exhausted. Jeff and I have been so determined to keep up our normal travel/social schedule with a baby however I'm starting to realize that maybe it's not so sustainable. At least not 3 times in one month.

However, the positive part of this schedule - is all the family and friends we get to spend time with and all the Mexican food I get to eat!

[caption id="attachment_545" align="aligncenter" width="2816"] Cooper with his Great Grandmother Betty.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_546" align="aligncenter" width="2816"] Coop with his Great Aunt Liz.[/caption]

After Houston we traveled on to Dallas to spend time with family and friends from high school. Though 90 degrees and climbing, we took Coop to the Arboretum to get some pumpkin pics (who even goes now for anything but pictures, PUH-LEASE)! It was a baby fiesta!

[caption id="attachment_549" align="aligncenter" width="2816"] It's humid in Texas y'all.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_548" align="aligncenter" width="2816"] Nanna and Coop.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_550" align="aligncenter" width="2816"] Brooklyn, Mollie, Betsy and Coop. The lone soldier.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_552" align="aligncenter" width="2816"] Cooper meeting his future bride. Giddy with glee.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_553" align="aligncenter" width="2816"] Cooper meeting handsome George. They had a moment.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_554" align="aligncenter" width="2816"] The boys! Miller is so sweet.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_555" align="aligncenter" width="2816"] Meeting sweet Henry with his beautiful mama![/caption]

And so there you have it. Cooper's third trip to Texas was a success!! This crazy family is once again off this weekend. This time to Missouri for a football game. Pray for me. No really, y'all.

See you Friday, Columbia!


PS: If you subscribe to this REALLY interesting blog, SORRY you are not getting post updates. I'm SO nontechnical and have no idea how to fix it. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Wisdom Wednesdays: Society of braggarts?

Last month I spent a night chatting about life with two friends. You know, REAL life - the kind that includes the "bad" and the "ugly." You know that kind? Okay in case no one has told you...friendships take work, marriage can be hard, dating is complicated, work is a source of stress, babies are challenging - I'll stop here, but you get the gist. A couple of us had recently read a Wall Street Journal article about social media "braggarts." Could it be we are all becoming narcissists? Take a quick read:

I filed it away as something to blog about and then recently came across another friend's blog about a similar subject, how we choose to portray ourselves on social media. Scroll down a bit until you see the headline "Thankful":

Social media is amazing and personally I'm a fan. It allows me to keep in touch with friends spread across the country in one fair swoop, and adversely allows me to see what's going on in their lives. This blog has been fun because I've gotten to write regularly which I love. However I do realize that the "stuff" we all post on social media sites are mostly happy things. In my case, I typically post pictures of my cute (try to argue with me on this one, you'll lose) baby, my smiling husband, etc. etc. But obviously, this is not my life all the time. I like to think I'm a pretty real person on and offline; those that know me well may even say I'm a bit private. But to those that don't talk to me regularly but do see my Facebook or blog posts, you may think my life is peaches and cream. Well, spoiler alert it's just not; as Rachel reminds us it is totally objective. Bragging? Who knew? Maybe I should devote a day a week to just talking about the crap to balance the positive out. I could call it "Winey Wednesdays" or "Sucky Saturdays" but, that's not very beneficial and honestly it'd probably be destructive and only to me.

So is what the article saying true? When we post positive or happy things on social media sites are we bragging narcissists? When we look at other folks pages are we breeding more narcissism? My husband would say YES!! and that's why he is not on Facebook, but I mostly say, just don't take it too seriously.

Sharing is not always bragging, and the bigger priority here is not allowing ourselves to get caught up in what we see online. I can promise that no one is living the perfect life no matter what is portrayed online, and if you tend to compare yourselves with others (let's be honest we've all done it), just don't. Social media is like 'keeping up with the Joneses' on steroids, and we all know how the whole "keeping up" thing goes...ya lose...every time. Real life may not be as pretty as the photos we see or the status updates we read, but it is just as wonderful.

"Be not anxious about what you have, but about what you are." -Pope Gregory I
