
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Month Eight (8)

Four days ago CPK turned 34 weeks and/or 8 months old. Hello month 8!

[caption id="attachment_617" align="aligncenter" width="1573"] Swings are the best, mom.[/caption]

I kind of feel like things are about to...change. Cooper has been a lot more snuggly these days- he reaches for you to pick him up, he loves touching your face (and/or pulling hair), and he lets me rock him now. Like, in a chair. He hasn't figured out crawling yet and once he does there's that change thing I mentioned earlier. It's COMING and once this whole "mobility" thing takes off he is going to be GONE. So, I've decided to slow down time as much as I can. To rock him just a little bit longer, snuggle him a little tighter and be as present as I can.

Last week I was at MOPs at our church (mommy group) and the speaker talked about how every baby is a gift from God and we are just stewards of this gift. What an interesting way to look at it. I thank God every day for His gift and allowing me to be Cooper's steward, and pray every night for his health and his life. It's amazing how much I had no idea about true fear until I had Coop, how his life and well-being takes priority over anything else.

“It is very easy to take for granted the phenomenon that we are each alive, but we must try not to.”
-Alex Grey

[caption id="attachment_618" align="aligncenter" width="2448"] How much longer are you going to put me in this silly onesie every month? And now you take it with an iPhone?
8 month photo, 4 days late :)[/caption]

So, happy 8 months Snoop! You are determined, stubborn (where DOES he get this from??), you have this weird deep scream now when you get frustrated, you like to chew on electronics, you can roll from one side of the room to the other in under 10 seconds, and you really like when mommy does shark noises (like from Jaws) and puts her hand on her forehead like a fin and acts like she is going to get you. It's like, you're favorite thing.

[caption id="attachment_616" align="aligncenter" width="1810"] Mom, why do you always put me in pumpkin patches?
October 21st, one day after his real 8 month birthday[/caption]

Halloween is next week y'all. I've never been the biggest fan of this holiday, it's a lot of pressure and I am SO not that creative to come up with a cool costume. But for kids? Totally different story, and this year this decision was easy. Snoop will be...a SHARK. (Disclaimer: for about an hour, and only for pictures).

Happy day y'all.



  1. Love love love this post! Coop will be the cutest shark ever!!!! xoxo

  2. Need FaceTime on Halloween with our little shark!! Dying I can't see him in person.


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