
Tuesday, March 19, 2013


A lot's been happening at our house over the last couple weeks. Okay, when I say a lot, that's probably a bit of an exaggeration. Here's a little update on life lately.

Cooper is one year + one month old tomorrow! We took his one-year photos last weekend, and UPDATE: he's still pretty cute. Our sweet and talented friend Liz took our photos. You can see a few on her blog:

My husband and I celebrated 3 years of marriage. So far, each year has been better than the one before, which is pretty awesome.


We spent St. Patricks Day at Pearl Street last weekend (yep the street that this blog is named after). They had a festival full of Guinness, Irish Dancers and green beer, and we had fun with our friends and their kiddos - all boys! Last year we went with Cooper in a baby sling, just shy of one month old. Throwback:

[caption id="attachment_1172" align="aligncenter" width="490"]St. Paddys Day 2012 - Coop was almost one month old :) St. Paddys Day 2012 - Coop was almost one month old :)[/caption]

And photos from this year's festivities:

[caption id="attachment_1174" align="aligncenter" width="644"]Thomas loves touching Coop's head. St. Paddy's 2013: Thomas loves touching Coop's head.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1173" align="aligncenter" width="490"]The boys. Rocking the festival. The boys. Rocking the festival.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1175" align="aligncenter" width="490"]Coop and Morrison. Coop and Morrison.[/caption]

(Sidenote: did you know that St. Patrick's Day is the celebration of Saint Patrick spreading Christianity into Ireland? Pretty cool, if you ask me. And thoughtful of us Americans to celebrate the occasion).

It's been warming up in Denver so we are finally able to spend time playing in the backyard. This is SO great, because a) it gives Cooper endless things to get into, and b) something about spending time outside is good for the spirit...and for the stay-at-home-mom. Not good for cleanliness though. Baths are now happening before dinner. Look how happy he is though...



Cooper is not walking on his own yet, though he walks all around the house holding on to furniture, walls, walker toys, etc. He also crawls faster somehow. The most exciting news at our house...Cooper eats again! Yahoo! It's been a tough winter, he had a mild case of RSV, a couple viruses, and when he is sick he won't touch food. In fact he will throw it up. Immediately. Alas, it's looking up for him these days, and he now loves cheese and bread, eggs, peas, bananas and canteloupe. He is down to one nap a day which means mommy needs to fill her time more. He likes to throw things FAR, and he still thinks it's funny to play peek-a-boo, except now he does it with his own hands which he thinks is pretty cool. Still not much hair, 6 teeth, one big gap, and Size 4 shoe. He is confident, smart and sassy. Oh and he also is drinking whole milk like a CHAMP. He drinks at least 3 cups or more a day and we go through a gallon in a week!

In related news, milk now gets delivered to the house. That's right all you city-folk, we have a milk man who delivers milk and eggs once a week on our front porch. Pretty awesome.


It's all about the little things, right? Milk in a box is one of them.

Cheers, Lauren

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