
Monday, March 25, 2013

Weekend rewind.

How was everyone's weekend? Ours was, well, snowy.


Thus, we spent a lot of time indoors, I got to leave the house unaccompanied for 5 whole hours for a baby shower, ordered pizza, made Baked Tacos. Oh and then Jeff made a quick run to Target to grab a new monitor and came home with everything BUT the monitor. Target gets confusing, y'all.

I continue to get more and more giddy about Boy Meets World pilot, and you can imagine my  excitement when news broke over the weekend that Mr. Feeny joined the cast! Remember Mr. Feeny?


As a child of the 90s, I am obviously expecting this show to be an instant success. Between this news and Jonathan Taylor Thomas being back on TV, I kinda feel like I'm back in grade school. I vividly remember writing in my diary that I wanted to marry JTT, and I didn't understand why no one took me seriously. 

Also this weekend I learned the definition of a "hipster." Not to be confused with a, hippie, a hipster is someone who is trendy but not mainstream. Also, "hipsters" wears glasses but don't really need too. See this girl, total hipster.


hipster-evolution-brendan-mccartanOnto health, I read this weekend that salt is killer. I knew this of course, however you forget what foods sodium is in, which is like ALL of them, especially bread and cheese. I try to keep this house stock-full of the Paleo-style foods: fresh veggies and fruits, but cheese is a definite staple that we need to keep an eye on. I like this quote from the article:

“One way you can have more control is to shop the perimeter of the supermarket,” said ABC News’ chief health and medical editor Dr. Richard Besser. “That’s where you will find fresh fruits and vegetables, meats and dairy products.  When you cook with these ingredients you have control over how much salt you take in.”

You can check out the full article here: 1 in 10 US Deaths Blamed on Salt.

In sports news, two Nascar guys got into a fight and Flordia Gulf Coast is like, really good at basketball- but more importantly  they have a spa and dorms on the BEACH on their campus. How did I not know about this school when I was applying?

I'll leave you with some adorable pictures that we got back this weekend of Coop's one year old shoot (thanks agan Liz Fendell Photography)! He can rock a bowtie y'all. And melt my heart.








“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.” – Henry David Thoreau

Happy week y'all,


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