
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

WW: Nostalgia

Happy Wednesday y'all!

“Nostalgia is a necessary thing, I believe, and a way for all of us to find peace in that which we have accomplished, or even failed to accomplish." - R.A. Salvatore

Over the past couple days there's been a running theme during my days...I've been nostalgic. This Monday, as we do each week, we watched The Voice. And...OMG can we take a minute to talk about this? Does anyone watch that show? Because this household is obsessed. You should check it out. This week a 16 year old contestant sang this old gem:

It brought back...I don't know, a feeling. It reminded me of a simpler, different time. A different type of people, society, way of life. Religion being the center of households, marriage being sacred, commitment, honesty, morals...well you get the point.

Also this week, Cooper keeps picking the book Love You Forever to read. It's his new thing. Starting around 6AM, unless we're outside playing, he is picking out books and bringing them to us to read. Today I read Love You Forever at LEAST three times. In tears. I remember the book from when I was little, and Y'ALL- it's a sob-fest.

And finally, Edward and Bella broke up, y'all, in real life. I can't believe it. I looked at my husband this week and said "You know what I think, Jeff, I think my fascination with those two wasn't really about them this whole time, but about the movie, about happy ever after! About Twilight!" He stared at me for a long time after that comment before nodding his head, "Uh. Ya-ah honey."

Alas, this week I keep thinking about the "good ole days." I can't help but wonder what it will feel like, 20 years from now, when I look back at life "these days." I bet I will be nostalgic, sentimental, and smiling.

"Keep all special thoughts and memories for lifetimes to come. Share these keepsakes with others to inspire hope and build from the past, which can bridge the future." -Mattie Stepanek

 What makes you nostalgic?

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