
Friday, July 26, 2013

Five on Friday: Baby Baptism Edition

Last Sunday we baptized Cooper at Vail Chapel, where we got married 3 and a half short years ago, and by the very same southern pastor who married us at our destination wedding. Let me tell you, it was something special. I've been looking forward to and planning this day for a while now, but didn't realize just how emotional it would be.

[caption id="attachment_1731" align="aligncenter" width="490"]In front of Vail Chapel. In front of Vail Chapel.[/caption]

Because Cooper is an older babe, he was so aware of everything going on; he reached for the pastor when he went to hold him, and was silent and focused on him during the whole ceremony. What a milestone, and an important step in his faith as well as ours as parents, as we commit to raise him with a heart for the Lord.

[caption id="attachment_1733" align="aligncenter" width="490"]With the Kauffmans. With the Kauffmans.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1737" align="aligncenter" width="490"]The Kennedys. Texas meets Colorado: The Kennedys.[/caption]

IMG_7563Yep he's tan and blonde these days. none of which he gets from his mama.

[caption id="attachment_1728" align="aligncenter" width="490"]Such a sweet moment. Such a sweet moment.[/caption]

Here's a throwback of us in that very same chapel with the very same pastor on our wedding day:


Some special books to commemorate the day and how cute is this frame my mom put together?

IMG_7523There's so much hope in baptism. For our children it is the first step in what we hope is an incredible journey. As his mom it feels like a fresh start (or kick in the bum) to put God first in our life and our home. I hope we can teach Cooper all it means to be a man of faith, a Believer..

You wondering about that 5 on Friday part of the post?  Alas, here's my 5 things I loved about our special baptism weekend:

(1.) Baby's First Book of Prayers, Melody Carlson

(2.) Beginners Bible, Kelley Pulley

(3.)  My Baptism Book, Sophie Piper

(4.) Cooper's Linen Janie and Jack Shirt in Navy and J. Crew Bow Tie in green and navy

(5.) Proud mom's Anthropologie dress

Also not pictured is this custom framed bible verse that I purchased on Etsy. You can pick your colors and verse. I love.

Happy weekend y'all!



  1. Loved this post! Everyone looks fabulous. Love the pictures!! Miss y'all.

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