
Friday, August 2, 2013

Five on Friday

Happy weekend y'all!

This weekend we have plans of date nights, time spent with friends, swim lessons, golf and such activities. I hope you have a nice weekend planned too! I love weekends for a variety of reasons but lately because it gives my hubby a good couple days break to relax.

Here's five all-things-fabulous...and domestic-ish.

(1.) Curious George.


photo (2)

Somehow Curious George appeared on my iPad, and somehow Cooper has figured out how to play it. If you know me you know I'm determined that my children be active and outdoors as much as possible, and on electronics and indoors as little as possible. But, y'all, this gives his momma about 20-minutes of uninterrupted coffee time, which has been SUCH a gift.

(2.) Coffee and cream.


pacSpeaking of coffee, I am ex-TREMELY serious about it.

These two are partners in crime during my morning routine.

I'd like to thank my nutritionist friend Caroline for introducing this creamer to me last year. And my in-laws for having this coffee.

It's Costco, it's super bold, and it WORKS.

(3.) Finish Quantum.

[caption id="attachment_1799" align="aligncenter" width="500"]The best dishwasher detergent that ever was. The best dishwasher detergent that ever was.[/caption]

My husband makes me buy a lot of things in bulk. He SAYS we save money but I'm just not sure this is true in all cases.

Are you married to someone like this?

After cursing the Costco dish detergent for the umpteenth time I bought this to try it out. And it's pretty much changed my life.

(4.) These two.

My mom and dad married 38 years ago today.

Happy Anniversary you little love-birds!!!

[caption id="attachment_1804" align="aligncenter" width="480"]Good looking couple right there... Good looking couple right there...[/caption]

And, I'd be remiss to not mention my mother and father-in-law, married last month for 39 years (I hope I got that number right)!

[caption id="attachment_1803" align="aligncenter" width="640"]Another good lookin' pair. Another good lookin' pair.[/caption]

How lucky are Jeff and I to have such wonderful examples?

(PS- these pics are super professionally taken from framed photos in the house. But how could I resist?)

(5.) Throw-back pic.

I'll leave you with a little pic of my munchkin when he was just a wee nuggett. Around 7 months old. I mean, those cheeks, seriously? I die.


Happy Friday friends!


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