
Sunday, January 5, 2014

Two goals for the New Year.

Did yesterday feel like Sunday to anyone else? And today, Monday?
Cooper gets it.
For some reason the last couple weeks have thrown me way off. 
It may be all the holidays thrown into a short period of time, the endless sickness that has been in our home, or the fact that we leave town AGAIN next week. 

My brain can't keep up.

With Christmas over, I get all itchy staring at my decorations.
Once the jolly fat man comes, I need that tree down. STAT!
It's amazing how much you look forward to decorating for Christmas, how enjoyable the month of December is, and then come January, it all must go. 
And so it has at our house.

And, now, we usher in 2014!
...or something.

Now I'm a huge goal-setter, but I've always thought it was touché, if you will, to do so for the New Year. Like, REALLY, who EVER sticks to New Year "resolutions"?

However, this year I felt motivated to goal-set. 
To commit. Alas, I share here on the blog!

1. Be a more patient mom. 
I'm pretty sure every mom knows that it's easy to snap or get angry from time to time. I would say I'm not super excitable, but when I do get angry at my son it's SO counterproductive. It's no good for me or him, and this is the year I focus on controlling my impulse to get mad. 

2. Organize small spaces. 
This may sound simple but it is oh so complicated. First you must know organization does not come naturally to me. Second, think of all the small spaces in your home! Dresser drawers, kitchen drawers, closet cabinets, vanity spaces, etc. etc. It will most likely take me all of 2014 and 2015 to complete this goal. I'll try to brag with lots before and after pics. This, assuming, that I achieve goal number two.

No matter how many goals we set this year, I think all we ever really want is to be better than we were the year before. Wishing everyone a better day than the last!

"Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each New Year find you a better man."   -Ben Franklin

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