
Friday, February 28, 2014

Five-on-Friday: Month in Review

Good Friday morning to you, friends.

We are headed "up the hill" as they say, which really means leaving Denver due west to the ski country. It'll be nice to get away, relax, and spend time with some friends. February is gone! Come again?

This was a busy month for us, so I wanted to do a recap to let it all re-soak in.
New series on the blog (Intentional Eating) where I share healthy, easy (I repeat, EASY) recipes I've found. The first recipe was a yummy Quinoa Black Bean Sweet Potato casserole. Check it out!
<Up next up Monday: Kale Peanut Salad (which I stole from Houston's). You're welcome.>

I started working on Cooper's big boy room. 
And we're getting closer! I plan on moving him to this room for naps next week.  Here's a really bad iPhone pic for you:

Cooper turned two. 
And we got to celebrate with friends and family at a fun party with lots of little kiddos running and playing!
I shared Cooper's birth story over at Hand and the Heart blog, which was super out of my comfort zone, but I loved having the opportunity to honestly share our experience.

We found out we're having another little boy.
Which means I will have two kids. I repeat: TWO CHILDREN.
It's been a busy, blessed week!

1 comment :

  1. Congrats again on another little boy :) And you look amazing by the way in that last picture!! Love how the room is coming along and looks like the perfect party to celebrate your adorable little 2 year old!


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