
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

It's the Little Things: Beauty All Around Us.

After a few weeks off I'm happy to be linking up with Jess and Ashley and It's the Little Things Link-Up. Today was easy.

I woke up to snow clinging to every tree and object in its path, and bright morning sun shining through baby blue skies.
I am often blown away by the beauty here in Denver and today I am especially thankful for it! It's there most days, if we slow down long enough to notice it. 

Today is one of those days!

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." -Confucious


  1. I am from Georgia and now live in Wisconsin. I have grown to love/hate snow since we have moved here. I think it is gorgeous when it is freshman d so purely white, but I hate that it takes months to go away. Lol

    1. See that's where Denver is different it was all gone by the afternoon! Wisconsin winters are much much more brutal I'd imagine:). Here's to spring!


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