
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Wisdom Wednesday: Grumpy Pants.

I've been wearing my grumpy pants way too often these days.
It's ironic and a little sad, if I'm honest with myself, that during one of the happiest times of my life ( baby!) I have these grumpy, grumpy moments. Days even.

Do you have them?
New dream job? Your tired from the long hours.
Planning a wedding? You're stressed.
All first world problems surrounding really special situations. I feel like I should be so high on gratitude and excitement 24/7 that nothing could ever get me down.

Can I blame the hormones still?

But I miss things.
I miss seeing my toes. 
I miss laying on my back and stomach. 
I miss martinis and cocktails.
I miss leaning over and not feeling like I'm breaking my back one vertebrae at a time.
I miss feeling pulled together and pretty.
Does this offend you? Don't be offended. It's funny.
But if there's one thing so wonderful that becoming a mom has taught me, (thanks to amazing women and one resilient kiddo), it is to give myself grace

Thoughts are only thoughts until I give them life...I'm not an ungrateful person, I know that. We can have bad days from time to time and not be filled with shame. 

We're allowed to give in to some moments when when we feel off or down. Laugh at ourselves and wait for the moment to pass, and very soon all the blessings in life slowly come back in focus.
Many blessings to all my fellow grumpies out there!


  1. i love this! seriously. take a moment. feel sad then laugh and shake it all off. totally allowed. especially when you can't see your toes!

  2. Definitely! I was the grumpiest of them all when I was pregnant. It happens. ;) But that grace thing...thank The Lord for that. It's the gift that keeps on giving. My blog's title stems from that because it's seven days a week of grace that never ceases.
    P.S. Totally love your sense of humor. :)

    1. Yes thank you Lord for grace!! Don't know where I'd be without it! Glad to not have to know:).


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