
Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Let's talk "busy-ness" for a second.
There is busy, like, so much work, so little time. You've been there.

And then there's just, BUSY. Like, it was 6AM and now it's noon and I haven't had a spare second to do anything other than make sure that a) my toddler doesn't severely hurt himself and, b) I don't forget to feed my almost two-month old. Busy. Ness.
So currently I'm on the latter.
So much so that I literally weigh the benefits on how my free time should be spent.

Nap? (Usually the one time I decide to nap both boys are up early).
Work? (I work part-time-ish y'all remember?)
Blog? (Hah! Clearly not happening).
Clean? (Wuhahahaha)
And the latest, pack, pick out paint colors, pick out kitchen plans...
you guessed it, we're MOVING!

We are so excited to move our family to a larger family home, but our timing, well let's just say that's not been the best. No joke, we were finalizing inspection in the post-partum room at the hospital and our house hit the market the day after we brought Benjamin home from the hospital. No. Joke.

Get ready for a whole lot of house updating on le blog because, well it's not so much a "fixer-upper" as it us a quasi-fixer-upper. The plus side of this is that I get to have a new kitchen and create a space that our family will spend most of our time in, this I am VERY excited about. I can't wait to share updates and get opinions. More to come.
The short guy started pre-school, year two. I think all those mama's that do chalkboard, holding a sign, well they are FABULOUS, but this mama almost forgot to take a picture, so here's what you get. No shame. And, NO, I don't know what he wants to be when he grows up because he is two-and-a-half and he doesn't know what grown up means. He does like firemen, though.
In other news one eye is always bloodshot, I had a sore throat for four weeks, Cooper started asking why after every sentence and I discovered that Rose is not half-bad.  And, that, my friends is good news.


  1. My friend did a first day sign for her 2 year old. Good news- she can use that "preschool"
    Sign like THREE MORE TIMES. Crazy ;) and I'm sure if I asked lex what she wanted to be when she grew up she'd say "three?".

    And yay house!!!

  2. Can't wait to see the updates! Don't tell, but during my free time I've been watching Gossip Girl on Netflix. So, when you want to feel good about yourself, think about that. ;-)


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