
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Words this Wednesday: To Better Days.

Winter continues on here in the Rockies, and I'm not sure about you but we are starting to go a little stir-crazy. There's only so much in the ways of indoor entertainment with two young (busy) boys.

So just a warning, I went a little heavy today.

"What separates us from the animals, what separates us from the chaos, is our ability to mourn people we've never met." -David Levithan on 9/11

Lately, often, I find myself heartsick, physically sick over what is happening overseas. It's hard to just breeze over it when sharing thoughts on life here.
I am sick over the terror happening to innocent people, scared about raising my boys in a world where this can happen, and anxious to make a difference in preserving the freedoms and safety we enjoy here today. You see a theme here? Fear.
It's a challenge to maintain that peace of mind when there is just such darkness. I will try to make a difference in my little world, and look for opportunities to make a bigger impact. To spread light. But in the meantime oh man am I praying for those suffering, and for justice for those losing their lives to such evil. 

To good people, answered prayers and hope of better days.

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