
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Blog Name Change!

Growing up as one of four children our home always had a revolving door. Friends were constantly in and out, and what I loved most about our house growing up was that everyone was always welcome. It was a gathering place of sorts. Now, as my husband and I have settled (and I use that term loosely) into our new home, I really want that welcoming tradition to continue here. I want my kids friend's to always feel welcome, I want our kitchen and patio to be full of our close friends, wine and conversation. And above all I want to create a home full of love and happy memories. Happy Haven totally suit the phase of life we are moving into. I'm excited to share our journey of turning this ole life of ours into something special. And if we're being completely honest here, the name "Coffee and Chardonnay" seemed a little polarizing. Accurate, but polarizing nonetheless.

Welcome to Happy Haven Blog, friends!
Come follow along on Facebook here and Instagram here.

The site's name will be changing over from South Pearl Living to Happy Haven Blog on Thursday, so if you follow along on Bloglovin' please add Happy Haven Blog to your feed so we can stay in touch!

And Denver mama's- I am so excited to be contributing to the Denver Metro Mom's Blog, launching in two short weeks! You will love the articles coming up so check 'em out.

Talk soon!


  1. Love love love the new name!!!!

  2. Love the new name and LOVE that pic of you! Gorgeous my friend! Congrats on all the exciting changes!


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