1. West Elm
I’ve fallen back in love with this store. I’ve recently made two purchases that I just adore. Don't you love that? When you make a purchase and then like it more when you bring it home? Typically never happens, but it has recently:
First, this salvaged wood shelf. I feel like you could put this shelf anywhere and it would work but it is hanging in our master above our bed. (I’d take a picture, but my room is not quite ready for public viewing yet). I’m in love:
And these curtains I just bought for our new updated office/guest bedroom that my husband finally gave the green flag to decorate. Hip hip hooray, this room is no longer just “his space” and "off limits." I went with a gray/white theme which has turned out really nice.
2. Kale
I’ve been trying to make kale a staple in our household because its got such great health benefits. But, have you had kale? It’s a little…challenging. This week I’ve fallen in love with a roasted kale recipe - so much that I made it twice in two nights. Here’s the Grilled Kale recipe from the blog Unruly-Things:
3. OWN
I mean, if we’re being honest here, who doesn’t love Oprah? I don’t watch her new network religiously (probably should), but I TIVO her show Next Chapter. From Carrie Underwood, to Neil Patrick Harris, it’s such an intimate look into peoples lives. And there are always little nuggets of true Oprah wisdom that she gives each episode. The last episode I watched she called the kitchen "the heartbeat of the house.” Oh Oprah, I've missed you. The show airs on her network on Sunday at 8pm central.
4. Family time
Last weekend we were so excited to have family in town from Las Vegas. My sister-in-law stopped in with her two kids and it was so fun to spend time with her family and my mother-in-law. I just wish everyone lived closer! Our babies are 11 short days apart. Here’s some pics from the visit (and yes the boys are matching. You're welcome.):
Also, Denver, I'd like to thank you for no humidity even with record highs. It allowed this little munchkin to play outside. And you've seen it - we officially have a sitter!
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Well folks, Jeff and I are off to Steamboat Springs for the weekend. I will never tire of the fact that we can travel to so many these fabulous places within hours. Just another reason I love Colorado. :) This weekend will be my first time leaving Cooper...ever! I'll share that experience next Friday. Have a great weekend everyone!
I just hung those scribble curtains in my living room, and I love them too! http://bonnieprojects.blogspot.com/2013/06/living-room-update-curtains.html